Source code for dork.types

"""Base types for the Dork game"""
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
import os
from random import randrange
from copy import deepcopy
from inspect import getfullargspec as argspec
import yaml
import dork.game_utils.factory_data as factory_data
from dork.game_utils.world_builder import MazeFactory
# pylint: disable=protected-access

[docs]class Grandparent: """common parent of holder, adjacent, and coord"""
[docs]class Holder(Grandparent): """A holder/container of items""" def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.inventory = dict
[docs] def get_items(self, caller, data, verbose): """Print all inventory items Displays all items held by self<player instance> or not. Verbose print displays more information about inventory. Args: out (str): Inventory verbose (str): Displays detailed inventory returns: verbose (str): Returns a formated/detailed inventory of player. """ if self.inventory: out = f"\n{caller} inventory:" else: out = f"There's nothing here." for name, item in data["inventory"].items(): out += "\n " + name if verbose: out += Game._verbose_print(item) return out
[docs]class Stats: """stats for items""" def __init__(self): = dict self.attack = int self.strength = int self.weight = int self.luck = int self.equipable = bool
[docs]class Item(Stats): """An obtainable/usable item""" def __init__(self): super().__init__() = dict = str self.description = str self.type = str self.usable = NotUsable
[docs] def make(self, item): """Make an item Creates the name, description, and type of item in game world Args: name (str): Generates a random item name description (str): Generates a random item description type (str): Generates a definition what type of item is generated usable(str): Is the item usable or not returns: name (str): returns the item name description (str): returns item description type (str): returns the type of item usable (str): returns the usability of item """ = item.get("name", "") self.description = item.get("description", "") self.type = item.get("type", "filler") if not isinstance(self.type, str) or self.type is None: self.usable = NotUsable elif len(self.type) > 1: self.set_usable(self.type) else: self.usable = NotUsable
[docs] def set_usable(self, new_use): """method that sets usable on runtime This method changes the use behavior, provide usable class as argument Defines whether an item's type is usable or not Args: new_use (dict): checks if item's type is usable or not """ uses = {"filler": NotUsable, "weapon": Attackable, "key": Openable, "gold": Payable, "magic items": Statable, "jewelry": Statable, "armor": Statable, "magic consumables": Statable} if not isinstance(new_use, str): self.usable = NotUsable elif "legendary" in new_use: self.usable = Attackable elif new_use not in uses: self.usable = NotUsable else: self.usable = uses[new_use]
[docs] def use(self, target, name): """Strategy pattern call This method is called by items to be used Calls its own behavior class called a Usable Args: target (Player): passes Player as target to be used on name (str): passed as name of item used returns: blurb (str): returns output for repl from specific usage """ return self.usable.use(target, name)
[docs]class Usable(ABC): """Strategy pattern inspired by"""
[docs] @staticmethod @abstractmethod def use(target, name): """use method defaults to doing nothing This method is the parent method inherited by all behavior classes' uses Args: target (Player): passes Player as target to be used on children name (str): passed as name of item used in children """
[docs]class Attackable(Usable): """Any object that can be swung will say it was swung"""
[docs] @staticmethod def use(target, name): """ Concrete use call for weapons This method is called by weapons to be attack. Changes state of target player by calling the target's damage method. Args: target (Player): passes Player as target to attack name (str): passed as name of item used returns: blurb (str): returns that player swings weapon at target """ out = target.damage() + "\n" return out + "You swing the " + name + " at " +
[docs]class NotUsable(Usable): """Any object that cannot be used"""
[docs] @staticmethod def use(target, name): """Useless use method This method is called by filler items to be used Concrete unusable item class use method Args: target (Player): passes Player as target to be used on name (str): passed as name of item used returns: blurb (str): returns "You find no use of this item" """ return "You find no use of this item"
[docs]class Openable(Usable): """Object opening behavior class"""
[docs] @staticmethod def use(target, name): """Opens object targeted if possible This method is called by key items to be used Args: target (Player): passes Player as target to be used on name (str): passed as name of item used returns: blurbs (str): returns item has been inserted """ return "You insert the " + name + " into " +
[docs]class Payable(Usable): """Any object that can be used as gold"""
[docs] @staticmethod def use(target, name): """Gold use method This method is called by gold items to be used Args: target (Player): passes Player as target to be used on name (str): passed as name of item used returns: blurb (str): returns that you pay with item """ return "You use the " + name + " to pay " +
[docs]class Statable(Usable): """Any object that can change stats"""
[docs] @staticmethod def use(target, name): """Stat change use method This method is called by items to be used Args: target (Player): passes Player as target to be used on name (str): passed as name of item used returns: blurb (str): states that item took effect """ return "The " + name + " takes effect on " +
[docs]class Adjacent(Grandparent): """adjacency object for rooms""" def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.north = str self.south = str self.east = str self.west = str
[docs]class Coord(Grandparent): """coordinate object for rooms""" def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.x = int self.y = int
[docs]class Player(Holder): """A player or npc in the game""" states = {"damage": {"Calm": "Hostile", "Hostile": "Dead", "Dead": "Dead"}, "talk": {"Calm": "Calm", "Hostile": "Calm", "Dead": "Dead"}} blurbs = {"Calm": {"talk": "Hello", "damage": "Ouch..Your gonna get it!"}, "Hostile": {"talk": "I guess you are ok...I'll calm down", "damage": "UGH\nYou dealt a death blow"}, "Dead": {"talk": "That person is dead...blab away", "damage": "You monster, stop hitting the dead!"}} instances = [] def __init__(self): super().__init__() = dict = str self.description = str self.location = Room self.equipped = list self.state = "Calm" def _new_instance(self): self.instances.append(self)
[docs] def move(self, cardinal, maze): """walk this way Moves the player from one location to another in the game/maze Args: Out (str): describes where the player is located returns: out (str): returns if the player can move to next location """ adjacent_room = getattr(self.location, cardinal) if not adjacent_room: out = f"You cannot go {cardinal} from here." else:["players"][] = \["players"].pop( adjacent_room.players[] = \ self.location.players.pop( maze[self.location.x][self.location.y] = MazeFactory.room_color self.location = adjacent_room maze[self.location.x][self.location.y] = MazeFactory.player_color out = "You have entered " + self.location.description MazeFactory.update(maze) return out
[docs] def next_state(self, action): """Method that changes state of Player This method updates players state based on name of method called Args: uses (str): passed as name action or method used on player """ self.state = self.states[action][self.state]
[docs] def talk(self): """Talk method called by players This method is called by user to produce a text blurb based on player's state returns: uses (str): returns applicable blurb """ out = (self.blurbs[self.state]["talk"]) self.next_state("talk") return out
[docs] def damage(self): """damage method called by items to inflict damage on players This method is by items and changes the state of the callee player and returns blurb associated. returns: uses (str): returns blurb from hitting player """ out = (self.blurbs[self.state]["damage"]) self.next_state("damage") return out
[docs]class Room(Adjacent, Coord, Holder): """A room on the worldmap""" # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes instances = [] def __init__(self): super().__init__() = str = dict self.description = str self.players = dict def _new_instance(self): self.instances.append(self)
[docs] def get_players(self, hero, data, verbose): """display a printout of the players present in this room""" if len(self.players) > 1: out = f"\n\nplayers:" for name, player in data["players"].items(): if name != hero: out += "\n " + name if verbose: out += Game._verbose_print(player) else: out = f"\n\nThere's nobody else here." return out
[docs]class Game: """An instance of Dork""" verbose = False dataaa = {} def __init__(self): = {} self.maze = [] self.rooms = {} self.hero = Player() self.points = 10 def __call__(self, cmd, arg): do_func = getattr(self, cmd) func_args = argspec(do_func).args if arg: if not func_args or ("self" in func_args and len(func_args) == 1): out = self._repl_error("This command takes no arguments") else: out = do_func(arg) else: out = do_func() return out def _toggle_verbose(self) -> (str, bool): self.verbose = not self.verbose out = { True: "verbose inventory: ON", False: "verbose inventory: OFF" }[self.verbose] return out, False def _gtfo(self): return f"Thanks for playing DORK, {}!", True def _draw_maze(self): MazeFactory.draw(self.maze) return "\b", False def _move(self, cardinal): return self.hero.move(cardinal, self.maze), False def _points(self, user_input): if '_repl_error' in user_input: self.points = 0 elif '_get_points' in user_input: pass else: self.points += 1 return self.points def _get_points(self): point = self.points if point == 0: return f"Booooooo! you suck.\nYou have {point} points.", False return f"you have: {point}", False def _examine(self): return self.hero.location.get_items(,, verbose=self.verbose ) + self.hero.location.get_players(, verbose=self.verbose, ), False def _inventory(self): return self.hero.get_items(,, verbose=self.verbose), False def _look(self): return self.hero.location.description, False def _save_game(self): self._get_state() Gamebuilder.save_game(, return "game saved successfully!", False # item_name defaults to None, so we take all items in room def _take_item(self, item_name=None): out = "" hero = self.hero room = hero.location if not item_name: room_copy = deepcopy(room.inventory) for item in room_copy: this_item = room.inventory.pop(item) this_data =["inventory"].pop(item) hero.inventory[item] = this_item["inventory"][item] = this_data out += f"You took {item}\n" elif item_name in room.inventory: this_item = room.inventory.pop(item_name) this_data =["inventory"].pop(item_name) hero.inventory[item_name] = this_item["inventory"][item_name] = this_data out += f"You took {item_name}. You took it well." else: out = f"There is no {item_name} here." self._update_room_inv_description(room) return out, False def _drop_item(self, item_name=None): out = "" hero = self.hero room = hero.location if not item_name: player_copy = deepcopy(hero.inventory) for item in player_copy: this_item = hero.inventory.pop(item) this_data =["inventory"].pop(item) room.inventory[item] = this_item["inventory"][item] = this_data out += f"You dropped {item}\n" elif item_name in hero.inventory: this_item = hero.inventory.pop(item_name) this_data =["inventory"].pop(item_name) room.inventory[item_name] = this_item["inventory"][item_name] = this_data out += f"You dropped {item_name}. How clumsy." else: out = f"There is no {item_name} in your inventory." self._update_room_inv_description(room) return out, False def _use_item(self, item="Nothing"): if item in self.hero.inventory.keys(): target = str.casefold(input("What do you want to use it on? ")) for player in self.hero.location.players: if player == target.title(): target_obj = self.hero.location.players[target.title()] return self.hero.inventory[item].use(target_obj, item), False if player == target: target_obj = self.hero.location.players[target] return self.hero.inventory[item].use(target_obj, item), False return "Invalid target", False return "You don't have that item...", False def _start_over(self): if self._confirm(): out = "new game" else: out = "Guess you changed your mind!" return out, False def _get_state(self): for name, room in self.rooms.items():["rooms"][name] = def _talk(self, target="nobody"): if target.casefold() == return, False if target.title() in self.hero.location.players: target_player = self.hero.location.players[target.title()] return, False return "Who are you talking to?", False @staticmethod def _update_room_inv_description(location): inv_list = location.inventory num = len(inv_list) description = location.description.splitlines() des = location.description if num > 1: rand_ind = randrange(4) des = description[0] + "\n" + description[1] + "\n" \ + factory_data.ROOM_INV_DESCRIPTIONS["1"][rand_ind] if num == 1: des = description[0] + "\n" + description[1] \ + "\n" + factory_data.ROOM_INV_DESCRIPTIONS["2"] elif num == 0: des = description[0] + "\n" + description[1] \ + "\n" + factory_data.ROOM_INV_DESCRIPTIONS["3"] location.description = des return 0 @staticmethod def _verbose_print(data, calls=2): out = "" spc = " " for key, val in data.items(): if isinstance(val, dict): out += "\n" + spc*calls + \ f"{key}:{Game._verbose_print(val, calls+1)}" elif val not in (0, ''): out += "\n" + spc*calls + f"{key}: {val}" return out @staticmethod def _confirm(): print("\n!!!WARNING!!! You will lose unsaved data!\n") conf = False while True: conf = str.casefold( input("Would you like to proceed? Y/N: ") ) conf = { "y": True, "n": False }.get(conf, None) if conf is None: print("That is not a valid response!") else: break return conf @staticmethod def _repl_error(arg): return f"{arg}", False @staticmethod def _zork(): return "holy *%&#@!!! a wild zork appeared!", False
[docs]class Gamebuilder: """Build an instance of Game"""
[docs] @staticmethod def build(player_name): """Instantiate a game of Dork from dictionary Creates an instance of a game from a dictionary of game data Args: data (dict): Saves the state of the game, player, and items game (): Class instance of the game returns: data (dict): returns the state of the current game game (): returns the updated location, player, and items """ data = Gamebuilder.load_game(player_name) if not data: data = hero_data = { "name": player_name, "description": "the hero of dork!", "location": "Entrance", "inventory": {}, "equipped": [] } data["rooms"]["room 0"]["players"][player_name] = hero_data game = Gamebuilder._instantiate(Game, **data) setattr(game, "maze", data["maze"]) setattr( game, "rooms", Gamebuilder._make_rooms( deepcopy(data["rooms"]) ) ) Gamebuilder._place_players(game) Gamebuilder._make_paths(game) Gamebuilder._get_adj_description(game) Gamebuilder._get_room_inv_description(game) for player in Player.instances: if == player_name: hero = player game.hero = hero game.maze[hero.location.x][hero.location.y] = MazeFactory.player_color return game
@staticmethod def _make_rooms(rooms): factories = { "inventory": Gamebuilder._make_item, "players": Gamebuilder._make_player, } for name, room in rooms.items(): new_room = Gamebuilder._instantiate(Room, **room) for field, data in room.items(): if field == "adjacent": Gamebuilder._make_adjacent(new_room, data) elif field == "coordinates": Gamebuilder._make_coord(new_room, data) elif isinstance(data, dict): room_field = getattr(new_room, field) for sub in data: room_field[sub] = factories[field](data[sub]) else: setattr(new_room, field, data) rooms[name] = new_room new_room._new_instance() return rooms @staticmethod def _make_player(player): new_player = Gamebuilder._instantiate(Player, **player) for field, data in player.items(): if isinstance(data, dict): inventory = getattr(new_player, field) for sub in data: inventory[sub] = Gamebuilder._make_item(data[sub]) else: setattr(new_player, field, data) new_player._new_instance() return new_player @staticmethod def _make_item(item): new_item = Gamebuilder._instantiate(Item, **item) for field, data in item.items(): if field == "stats": Gamebuilder._make_stats(new_item, data) if field == "type": new_item.set_usable(data) else: setattr(new_item, field, data) return new_item @staticmethod def _make_adjacent(room, adjacent): for key, val in adjacent.items(): setattr(room, key, val) @staticmethod def _make_coord(room, coord): setattr(room, "x", coord[0]) setattr(room, "y", coord[1]) @staticmethod def _make_stats(item, stats): for key, val in stats.items(): setattr(item, key, val) @staticmethod def _place_players(game): for _, room in game.rooms.items(): for _, player in room.players.items(): player.location = room @staticmethod def _make_paths(game): adj = ["north", "south", "east", "west"] for _, room in game.rooms.items(): for direction, room_name in vars(room).items(): if room_name and direction in adj: setattr(room, direction, game.rooms[room_name]) @staticmethod def _get_room_inv_description(worldmapp): worldmap = worldmapp.rooms worldmap_length = len(worldmap) iterator = 0 for rooms in worldmap: if iterator != worldmap_length - 1: inv_list = worldmap[rooms].inventory num = len(inv_list) if num >= 2: rand_ind = randrange(4) first_desc = worldmap[rooms].description + "\n" desc = factory_data.ROOM_INV_DESCRIPTIONS["1"][rand_ind] worldmap[rooms].description = first_desc+desc elif num == 1: first_desc = worldmap[rooms].description + "\n" desc = factory_data.ROOM_INV_DESCRIPTIONS["2"] worldmap[rooms].description = first_desc+desc iterator += 1 return 0 @staticmethod def _get_adj_description(worldmapp): worldmap = worldmapp.rooms for rooms in worldmap: desc = "" adj_list = list() adj_possibilities = {"north", "east", "south", "west"} for pos in adj_possibilities: if worldmap[rooms].data["adjacent"][pos] is not None: adj_list.append(pos) adj_string = "" for adj in adj_list: if adj_list[0] == adj: adj_string += " "+adj else: adj_string += ", "+adj adj_string += "..." if((len(adj_list) == 1) and rooms != "room 0" and rooms != "room "+str(len(worldmap))): desc = factory_data.ADJ_ROOM_DESCRIPTIONS["1"] elif len(adj_list) == 2: rand_ind = randrange(8) desc = factory_data.ADJ_ROOM_DESCRIPTIONS["2"][rand_ind] \ + adj_string elif len(adj_list) == 3: rand_ind = randrange(5) desc = factory_data.ADJ_ROOM_DESCRIPTIONS["3"][rand_ind] \ + adj_string first_desc = worldmap[rooms].description + "\n" worldmap[rooms].description = first_desc+desc return 0 @staticmethod def _instantiate(clz, **data): """return an object of type clz with attributes given by data""" new_obj = clz() setattr(new_obj, "data", data) for key, val in deepcopy(data).items(): setattr(new_obj, key, val) return new_obj
[docs] @staticmethod def load_game(player): """Load the save file associated with player Loads a saved yaml file based on what the user named their player Args: data (dict): dictionary of the game state from yaml file returns: data (dict): returns the game state based upon the player's name """ save_files = [] with os.scandir("./dork/saves") as saves: for entry in saves: save_files.append( if player + ".yml" in save_files: print(f"loading {player}'s save file...") file_path = f"./dork/saves/{player}.yml" with open(file_path) as file: data = yaml.safe_load( else: data = dict() return data
[docs] @staticmethod def save_game(player, data): """Save a game instance to a yaml file if it exists, else create one Gets data on game state from saved yaml file Args: data (dict): dictionary of game state player (str): string of the player's name returns: data (dict): returns the dictionary state of the game from yaml player (str): returns the yaml file depending on the player's name """ data = { "rooms": data["rooms"], "maze": data["maze"], } file_name = f"./dork/saves/{player}.yml" with open(file_name, "w") as save_file: yaml.safe_dump( data, save_file, indent=4, width=80, ) return f"Your game was successfully saved as {player}.yml!"